Weber Honors College

Weber Honors College students are required to study abroad as part of the Honors minor. 

Understanding the International Experience Requirement

  1. The Honors Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies requires an international experience that is:
    • Credit-bearing (at least ONE unit posted to your SDSU transcript)
    • Approved by SDSU
    • Completed while you are enrolled at SDSU
    • Completed prior to your last full semester at SDSU
  2. Weber Honors College students can satisfy their international experience requirement in many ways, such as:
    • Completing Honors minor coursework abroad
    • Completing Major coursework abroad
    • Completing General Education coursework abroad
    • Participating in a credit-bearing internship abroad
    • Search Aztecs Abroad for more options!
  3. To earn Honors Minor credit abroad, there is one option:
    • Approved SIT Study Abroad Programs (HONOR 313, summer or semester)